The table shows that in Britain from 1972 to 1983. There was an increase of many consumer durables. For example, it is possible to see that 37% of people had central heating in 1972, increasing for 52% in 1978 and 64% in 1983.
The television was the principal item the consumer durable of people in 1972, increasing for 93% and in 1983 for 98%. The second item more usable of the people was vacuum cleaner in 1972, increasing for 87%, 95% in 1982 and had no measure in 1983.
The video cassete only starting in 1983, for 18%.
The dishwasher starting in 1978 with 3%, and in 1983only 5% of the people used.
The last one shows in table was the telephone, that in 1972 was 42%, in 1979 was 67%, and 77% in 1983.
In conclusion, the table shows that people is increasing the use of consumer durables.
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